Welcome to the class website of Learning from Data!

Because of the pandemic, we will temporarily have online classes until further notice!

  • 2022-12-30: Submit your poster on Web Learning before noon on Jan 4th.

  • 2022-12-15: Check out the Final Project Q&A for commonly asked questions. Feel free to leave your questions there!

  • 2022-12-10: Programming Assignment 5 is released! Due Dec 25

  • 2022-11-30: Please sign up in the schedule form to make a project appointment with the course staff.

  • 2022-11-19: Final project information is released! See this page for datasets and project ideas.

  • 2022-11-14: PA3 is released and due in two weeks.

  • 2022-11-04: Please come to the midterm review session next Wednesday Nov 9th from 7pm-9pm at C1-402! Practice exam will be released this weekend.

  • 2022-10-30: Written Assignment 3 is released! Due Nov 8th. Note that this assignment has no late days! The midterm exam will be held in class on November 11th. You can bring a double-sided A4-size cheat sheet to the midterm. The content will focus on all materials up to the lecture on Nov 4th.

  • 2022-10-15: Programming Assignment 2 is released! Due Nov 8th.

  • 2022-10-15:Written Assignment 2 has been released! Due Oct 29th.

  • 2022-10-2: Next lecture (10/7) will be canceled due to the National Holiday. Programming Assignment 1 is released, due Oct 15th. WA1 solution is availale.

  • 2022-9-24: Written Assignment 1 is released! Due Oct 8th.

  • 2022-9-19: Posted lecture handout (without notes); Fixed the link to annotated slides #2.

  • 2022-9-16: The first lecture will be rescheduled to Saturday, Sept 17, from 9:50am-12pm for this week. The classroom location is changed to C1-402 for this time only. The next lecture will resume on Friday morning.

  • 2022-9-13: Math and Programming Review Session will be held on Sept 16 from 9:50am-12pm at C1-202. This session is optional.

Class info

  • Time: Friday 9:50am-12:15pm

  • Location: C1-402 (Currently online)

This introductory course gives an overview of many concepts, techniques, and algorithms in machine learning, from linear models such as logistic regression and SVM to more advanced topics such as deep neural networks and reinforcement learning. The course will give the student the basic ideas and intuition behind modern machine learning methods as well as a formal understanding of how, why, and when they work. The underlying theme in the course is statistical inference as it provides the foundation for most of the methods covered.

For more information about grading, homework and exam policies, see the class syllabus

Prerequisites: Undergraduate level calculus, probability and linear algebra. Basic Python programming.


Yang Li

Weida Wang
Head TA

Dexu Kong

Zhiyuan Peng

Wanda Li

Huaze Tang

Office hours

Name Time Location
Yang Friday 2:00-4:00pm Info Building 1108a
Wanda Monday 2:00-4:00pm Info Building, 11th floor common area)
Zhiyuan Tuesday 3:00-5:00pm (same as above)
Weida Wednesday 4:00-6:00pm (same as above)
Dexu Thursday 7:00-9:00pm (same as above)
Huaze Friday 7:00-9:00pm (same as above)

You can also make appointments outside office hours.

Recitation Sessions

Recitations will be held every Friday 9:00-9:45pm in the lecture room.

Date Topic Reference
Sept 16 Review Session: Basic linear algebra and probability; Scientific programming in Python. (programming demo) | (math review) | (math review notes) | (recording) The Maxtrix Cookbook by KB Petersen

Sept 23 Probability review, eigenvalue decomposition, SVD
(notes) | (recording)
Sept 30 MAE, Weighted linear regression, mean absolute error, MAP estimation
(notes) | (recording)

Oct 14 WA1 homework discussion.
(notes) | (recording)

Oct 21 PA1 homework discussion.
(slides) | (recording)

Oct 29 Kernel least square regression, SMO
(slides) | (recording)

SMO chapter from MLLN

Nov 4 WA2 homework discussion

Nov 9 Midterm review session (7pm-9pm)
(notes) | (recording)

Nov 18 Midterm review (Regular time and location)
Nov 25 VC Dimension
(notes) | (recording)

Dec 2 K-means and project Q&A

Dec 17 (3-4pm) PA3 review and PA4 introduction. Tencent meeting ID: 791 760 726
(recording) | PA3 sample solution (analysis questions) | Carpole video

Dec 30 PCA and project Q&A

Class Schedule

Date Topic Readings & References Homework Release


"Supervised learning" 1.1-1.3,2.1-2.3 (MLLN)
Convex functions by Boyd & Vandenberghe (see Chapter 3)

Written Assignment 1 due Oct 8th


"Generalized linear models" (MLLN) Gene ralized Linear Models by Nelder & Wedderburn (1972)

Programming Assignment 1 due Oct 15th


"Generative learning algorithms" (MLLN)
Reference: Event models for NB text classification by McCallum & Nigam (1998)

Written Assignment 2 due Oct 29

WA1 solution


"Support Vector Machines" (MLLN)
References: Support Vector Networks by Cortes and Vapnik; SVM notes from “Selected Applications of Convex Optimization” by Li Li; Convex optimization by Stephen Boyd (See Chapter 5)

Programming Assignment 2 due Nov 8


“Deep Feed Forword Networks” from Deep Learing by Ian Goodfellow

Written Assignment 3 due Nov 8th.


“Regularization and model selection” (MLLN) “Regularization for Deep Learning” from Deep Learning Notes on matrix derivatives by Learned-Miller

WA2 solution

11/11 Midterm Exam Programming Assignment 3

WA3 solution


"Generalization" (MLLN) Final project information Recommended Latex template

11/25 Unsupervised Learning I: (handout) (slides with notes) (recording)

  • K-means clustering

  • spectral clustering

“Clustering and the k-means algorithm” (MLLN)

A tutorial on spectral clustering by Ulrike von Luxburg

Written Assignment 4 due Dec 11th

12/2 Unsupervised Learning II: (recording)

"Principal component analysis" (MLLN) Project meeting sign up form: each team should make an appointment with the course staff between Dec 2 and Dec 7.


"Reinforcement Learning" (MLLN)
Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning by Mnih et. al.

Extended reference text: Reinforcment Learning: An Introduction 2nd, ed. by Sutton and Barto

Programming Assignment 5 due Dec 25 | Q&A for PA4

12/16 Unsupervised Learning III:

“Independent Component Analysis” (MLLN) “Canonical Correlation Analysis” by Hardle & Simar

Final Project Q&A

12/23 Unsupervised Learning IV:

  • Mixture of Gaussians, Expectation Maximization

  • Factor Analysis

“EM and Factor Analysis” (MLLN)

Additional reading:

WA4 solution

12/30 Semi-Supervised learning (recording) (handout) (slides with notes)

Additional reading:

Please submit the poster on web learning before noon on Jan 4th!
1/6 Final poster presentation