Class Project Information


The final project will be done in teams of 2-3 people. Please fill in the team assignment form before Nov 23.

Important Milestones

Deadline Task
Nov 23 Submit group assigment
Nov 30 Submit project proposal
Dec 8 Complete meeting with course staff
Jan 4 Submit poster PDF file (Submission will be closed at 11:59am)
Jan 6 Poster session
End of the semester Submit final report

Proposal: The proposal should be no more than one page (single-space, excluding references). It should briefly describe the topic, background, related work, problem and proposed method of your project.

Meeting with course staff: After submitting the proposal, please arrange a meeting with the instructor or one of the TAs get feedback on the project proposal.

Poster Presentation: We will hold a poster session to showcase your project on the final week. Each group need to submit a poster in PDF format of A0-size to Web Learning before Jan 4th. You will present your work in our final class on Jan 6th. Poster session will be held online.

Final Report: Each group should submit a written report in a single PDF document with at most 4 pages. All related materials, such as source code, should also be provided.

Datasets and project ideas

Commonly asked questions

Poster template (new!)

Poster session information & grading policy (new!)

Project Topic

The project topic can be very open-ended. You may choose any topic you are interested in (such as your research area) as long as it pertains to the course material. You are encouraged to explore advanced machine learning techniques in supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning.

Usually, your project will fall into one of the following categories:

  • Application: apply a machine learning method to solve a specific problem, e.g.

    • Machine learning for AI applications in computer vision, NLP, speech recognition, etc

    • Use a learning-based approach for physical systems, such as energy, material and optics

  • Algorithm: develop a machine learning method that has better performance, e.g.

    • Improve the robustness of an algorithm under noisy data

    • Make a machine learning method more efficient

  • Theory: theoretical problems, e.g.

    • Theoretical analysis of a specific learning algorithm regarding its generalization, consistency, or stability properties

    • In-depth tutorial of a particular theoretical topic

A good project will showcase your ability to clearly define a problem, understand the motivation and technical details of your method, and complete significant implementation with real data.


The final project will count for 25% of your final grade. It will be graded on a scale of 100 points, which include:

  • Proposal: 15 points

  • Discussion with class staff: 5 points

  • Final poster: 25 points

  • Poster session participation: 5 points

  • Final report grade: 50 points

Sample Posters, Projects from Previous Years



Common Pitfalls

  • Simply run a model from an existing work on a slightly different dataset: think of your contribution in at least one of the three catogries discussed in the Topics section

  • Topic is too broad or too ambitious: reduce the project scope

  • Project relies heavily on data collection: use available datasets