Poster Presentation Information

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Photo from the Fall 2020 final poster session.

When & Where

Time: Jan 6th 9:00am-12:00pm

Location: Online. Tencent Meeting ID: ID: 384-476-6912

Online Discussion Portal

What to include in the poster?

  • Abstract: a short summary of your work (no more than 100 words)

  • Introduction/Motivation: why is this problem important and what is your contribution?

  • Method: the machine learning methodology used

  • Results: the dataset you use and the experimental results (tables and figures)

  • Conclusion/Discussion: conclude your technical/application contributions

  • Reference: include 2-3 important references (You can use smaller fonts for this part.)

Tips for success
  • Make your poster more engaging by using color, diagrams and images.

  • Include an abstract no more than 100 words.

  • Avoid illegible fonts in size and style.

  • Use succinct, short sentences and avoid using paragraphs of text on your poster. You can also skip words such as “Figure 1”, “Table 2” in the captions

  • Make sure diagrams and images are large enough to be viewed from a distance.

  • Be prepared to answer questions on your research topic.

Online Presentation

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  • Each team will choose one speaker to present the poster in 3 minutes. (For special occasions that non of the team members can present online, please prepare a video before hand and send it to TA Dexu Kong.)

  • After the presentation of all teams, a 30-min live Q&A will be held for each track, moderated by the teaching staff.

Poster Grading Policy

Your poster grade will consists of two parts: 5 points for participation (individual) + 25 points for the poster scores (team)

Participation: You can earn participation points by providing feedback in the poster discussion thread (Jan 5th) or asking questions during the live Q&A.

Poster scores: You poster will be graded by the instructor and invited guests using the following rules.

Category Criteria What it means? Points
Clarity Purpose Is the problem and motivation clearly defined? 4
Methodology Is the method appropriately chosen and clearly explained? 4
Implementation Are the experimental/numerical results clearly presented? 4
Contributions Technical contribution Does it have sufficient technical content? i.e. teaches the readers some machine learning related knowledge beyond class material? 4
Applicational / analytical contribution Does it show meaningful analysis on results and findings? 4
Presentation Poster Quality Is the poster well organized and legible? Does it make good use of figures and visual representations? 3
Extra credit Novelty Does it propose a novel problem or novel solution? 2

Poster Awards

You can vote for up to two teams for each of the following awards with special prizes!

  • Best Presenter (1 person)

  • Best Poster Award (1 team)

  • Most Impactful Work (1 team per track)