Programming Assignment 1


Problem Description


In PA1, two Jupiter notebook files named linear_regression_methods.ipynb and Pandemic_data_analysis.ipynb are provided. And italy.mat is the pandemic dataset used in our program assignment.

In the first file, we will guide you through a series of exercises to implement linear regression using gradient descent and batch normalization, ridge regression and locally weighted regression. In the second file, you will apply your implemented algorithms on a regression problem using real-world pandemic data.

Please write your code and answers by directly editing these two files. We recommend you complete the linear_regression_methods.ipynb first. And if you have trouble setting up Jupiter notebook, ask TA ( for help.

Please DO NOT directly import existing machine learning packages to solve the problem!

You are expected to use NumPy packages only to implement the algorithms. Playing with different parameters could help you obtain more comprehensive answers to the analytical questions. Visualizations are also helpful.

How to Submit

After finishing your assignment, you should pack all related files into one zip file.

Note that linear_regression_methods.ipynb and Pandemic_data_analysis.ipynb must be included. Upload your submission through THU's web learning page.