Programming Assignment 2


Problem Description


In PA2, only one Jupiter notebook file named Support_Vector_Machine.ipynb is provided.

In the file, we will guide you through a series of exercises to implement SVM using cvxopt package or SMO algorithm. They are two main parts of this assignment. Please pay attension to the hints, which are very important for the correct implementation of the algorithms.

The file contains both theoretical and programming questions. Please write your code by directly editing this file. Also use markdown to answer theoretical questions in the file. If you are not familiar with markdown, please refer to a tutorial at

Please DO NOT directly import existing machine learning packages to solve the problem!

You are expected to use NumPy and CvxOpt packages only to implement the algorithms. Playing with different parameters could help you obtain more comprehensive answers to the algorithm. It is also useful to print the results of some intermediate variables.

How to Submit

Due date:November 8th

After finishing your assignment, you should pack all related files into one zip file.

Note that Support_Vector_Machine.ipynb must be included. Upload your submission through THU's web learning page.