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Yang Li

Welcome to my homepage! I'm a pre-tenure associate professor at Tsinghua Berkeley Shenzhen Institute (TBSI) and Tsinghua-Shenzhen Interntional Graduate School, Tsinghua University.

My research focuses on developing trustworthy machine learning systems for uncertain, heterogeneous and dynamic data from the real world. Specically, my research interests include:

  • Transferability estimation in transfer learning, with applications in efficient pre-trained model adaptation and continual learning

  • Medical image understanding using distributed, heterogeneous data sources

  • Interpretable representation learning for trajectory and path data

  • Topological and geometric data analysis

I obtained my PhD. degree in Computer Science from Stanford University in 2017, advised by Leonidas Guibas. My dissertation explores how to find shared structures in large GPS trajectories under uncertainty, and how the shared structures can be used to solve challenging problems. See the Research page for details about my past projects. I was also a contributor to the KINARI project.

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Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China (518055)